What we do

We evaluate and verify the effectiveness of reflectivity interventions through remote sensing and in situ observations.  
The local and global impacts of interventions are evaluated separately.
We monitor reflectivity interventions over time.
We provide tools to determine the reflectivity anywhere on Earth and the potential energy that could be reflected.
We provide information and news about methods for cooling the planet by reflecting solar energy to space.

Reflective Earth is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and accepts donations.
100% of your donations go to projects to cool the planet.
Nothing is used for our administrative expenses - those are covered by other funding.

What we do not do

We are motivated to help cool the Earth, but we do not advocate methods that include substantial environmental risk.
We do not have a financial interest in any particular intervention or method of increasing Earth’s reflectivity.
The results of our verifications do not affect our compensation.


We use state of the art scientific methods to objectively measure and verify effectiveness of surface reflectivity interventions to cool both locally and globally:
1  Reflective covers on water reservoirs to also reduce evaporation and growth
2  Reflective shade structures over asphalt parking lots and playgrounds
3  Reflective coatings on asphalt roads or parking lots
4  New reflective layers on large roofs or on many roofs in a neighborhood


We accept tax-deductible donations to be spent subsidizing reflectivity enhancements that actually reduce global warming. 100% of such donations are used to cool the planet.  (We have other funding for our administrative and measurement work.)  Reflective Earth measures effectiveness of each intervention and pays out the subsidy based on the number of additional megawatts reflected to space by the the intervention. Interventions that we coordinate subsidies for include painting of asphalt parking lots, playgrounds, and low-use roads and reflective reservoir covers.    READ MORE


We provide tools to determine present reflectivity anywhere on Earth and
potential for additional amounts of energy to be reflected to space with an intervention. We're helping to scale efforts to make Earth's surfaces more reflective, with an emphasis on places with clear skies and low-latitude where the impact is most significant.  


We provide information and news about methods for cooling the planet by reflecting solar energy to space.